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Location: Bangalore, Karnataka, India

Friday, July 10, 2009

Movie : The Hangover

Hnaglover is the story about a Guy named Doug who is about to get married. He and his friends decide to have a blast in Vegas before he takes the vow.
Doug has three friends. One is a Doctor the other is a school teacher and the third basically does nothing (but is great at casinos. He also gets slighted as fat jesus. Incidently he is the brother of the bride).
Doug's father-in-law gives Doug his Mercedes and lets them loose to enjoy in Vegas. The gang-of-four set out thinking they would have a blast. But what follows in Vegas is not what they planned or hoped for.

Hangover is a hillerious story of interconnected events. Finally, what happens in vegas stays in Vegas.

My Impression

If you have watched Ayesha Takia's "Friday", you would relate to the story to some extent. Basically the friends have had a blast and they do not remember a thing about it. As the story unfolds they get to know about their deeds on that fateful night.
Sine I had seen a similar movie, the concept was not new to me.

The way the story unfolds in interesting and very different from Friday though.

Funny Moments
The funniest moment was when they get back the car and someone starts banging from the boot. and when they open the boot they find themselves in a very precarious situation. what follows is a very funny sequence.

My only grouse is that things cannot fall apart and fall in place so nicely. I cannot buy the ending.

On a scale of 1 to 10 I would rate it at 6 1/2 (1- Least Rating and 10-Highest Rating). Plus 1/2 for the fat jesus :). So I would give a 7 on 10.



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