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I am a SW Engineer by Profession and a blogger by choice. I am a voracious reader and like to give my opinion about what i read. I try to convery my thoughts in a way that is meaningful and responsible. In my blog you would find me the way I am. I love to write about my take on the Society in general, Finance, day-to-day interesting events, me, inspirational thoughts. More about me as you read my blog.

Location: Bangalore, Karnataka, India

Friday, May 09, 2008

Energy Crisis. People WAKE UP !!!!

If one were waiting for the D day (dooms day), it has arrived...
Crude has crossed its threshold... at $120 a barrel it is not bearable...
Now Since crude is a traded commodity, $120 per barrel might not be the price that actually reflects its true value for the day, but one cannot deny the fact that the Nymex rate is binding on all countries....
$120 purely is a greed factor playing out...

People throughout the world are feeling the Pinch...
But Surprise Surprise the aam junta of India is least bit bothered. And why would they be... We get petrol at an administered price !!!!! We are not bothered !!! Even though the price of crude has gone from $35 dollars per barrel to $120, Our purchasing price has stayed put... why should we feel the pinch... Govt issues Oil bonds to artifically maintain the price BECAUSE supposedly the aam junta will take to streets if price of petrol is increased. So issue credits to oil companies promising them money to keep the petrol price under control... on the other hand, DONT give this incentive to private oil marketing companies, so if they try to raise price because they do not get oil bonds, people will not buy petrol as the petrol sold by private companies is costly...

(1) Artifically maintain the price of petrol at a very low level
(2) Issue oil bonds to public oil marketing companies to compensate for the loss...
(3) DONT issue the bonds to private companies and let them suffer... ultimately scuttle them
(4) Not allow the junta to realize the fact that petrol INDEED costs more, there by allow the junta to use it as they like...
(5) Election time !! How can we increase the petrol price and reduce our chances of winning next elections!

Where are we heading !!!
If this is not an energy bubble then what is ????
If this is not pairon pe kulhadi maron situation then what is ???

In the interest of the nation, isnt it time to wake up ? Isnt it time to introspect ?
Isnt time to sit and take notice of what is going on ? Shouldnt we act responsibly...

I will try to post a set of articles on this issue. The articles would involve a range of topics related to energy. All will have the tag Energy Crisis.



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