Welcome to Amitkeerti's World

I am a SW Engineer by Profession and a blogger by choice. I am a voracious reader and like to give my opinion about what i read. I try to convery my thoughts in a way that is meaningful and responsible. In my blog you would find me the way I am. I love to write about my take on the Society in general, Finance, day-to-day interesting events, me, inspirational thoughts. More about me as you read my blog.

Location: Bangalore, Karnataka, India

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Mission Statement

In the Second Chapter of Franklin Covey's 7 Habbits of Highly Effective people, he suggests the reader to have a mission statement. A statement which does not change with time, place and Circumstances. A statement which reflects what my various roles in life are, and what I want to be in life. A statement which acts like ones religion and guiding factor. A script that is written by me and enacted by me. A testament that does not change. A core of my life. A set of guidelines which I intend to follow.

It took me about a day to complete my Mission Statement. There are 3 parts to my Mission Statement.
(A) My Role.
(B) What I want to be.
(C) What I want to do.

My Role: I play various roles in life, a husband, a father, an employee, bread earner etc.
What I want to be: This explains what I want to be in each of the roles given above
What I want to do: This explains what I will do to achive my Mission (i.e. what I want to be)...

I am going to write only the first 2 parts i.e. My Role and What I want to be. The third part i.e. What I want to do is kind of very personal. So I plan to keep it to myself.

So My Mission Statement is below:

1. Husband: I want to be a loving and caring husband who cares for her wife. Someone who can be relied upon in the time of need. Someone who will put her needs before his needs and fulfill all her desires.

2. Student: I want to be a masters degree holder

3. Father: I want to be a father who lives by setting examples. Someone to whom my kids will look up for. Someone who will be a guiding factor.

4. Employee: I want to be a valued employee in the organization who can be relied upon in the time of need. I want to be a team player. I want to be a person who will try his best in an earnest desire to learn and adapt to the given task in my job. If I do not understand something I will not hesitate to ask people for help.

5. Learner: I want to be a knowledgeable person in my field.

6. Money Maker: I want to be a person who utilizes his hard earned money properly. Who will divide his money appropriately for the various needs and desires and invest his money accordingly.

7. Friend: I want to be a friend in need.

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