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Friday, August 28, 2009

Novel : Agatha Christie : Murder On The Orient Express

An urgent telegram has arrived in the hotel room for Hercule Poirot To return to London. Poirot who is in another location finds it strange as the telegram was unexpected. Nevertheless he asks the hotel staff to book a first class seat.
The only train available immediately is the Istanbul Triestate Calais.
But the coach which goes to london is surprisingly full. This is a strange co-incidence for this time of the year.
M. Buoc who is a director of the company which runs the train, is also travelling on the Train. Buoc is a friend of Poirot and inspite of his influence, he can only get a second class seat for Poirot, with a promise that he will be immediately shifted to first class when the first person gets down at the next station.
On the Second day of the trip the train makes an unexpected stop because of a sudden snow fall. It is also discovered that Mr Ratchett has been murdered the night before. Mr. Ratchett had a room next to that of Hercule Poirot.
It falls upon Hercule Poirot to solve this case.

Poirot decides to interview the first class passengers one after the other to know the whereabouts of each and every passenger at the time of murder.
Starting from the Wagon Lit Conductor Pierre Michel, he interviews Ratchett's Sceretary MacQueen, Ratchett's Valet Edward Masterman.
Daughter fixated Mrs. Hubbard is interviewed, Sweedish lady Gret Ohlsson's details are taken.
Russian Princess Dragomiroff (who is supposedly the ugliest...) is also called in to give her whereabouts at the time of the crime.
Count and Countess Andrenyi, who are on this train are interviewed as well.
Colonel Arbuthnot, who is returning from India, is also quizzed.
Mr. Hardman, a typical american who is returning after a business triep, is also asked about his whereabouts.
26 years old Ms. Debenham, who is a care taker by profession, is also quizzed. Poirot finds her rather aloof and unsmpathetic.
The German Maid of the princess is asked to provide details of her whereabouts at the time of murder.

After interviewing the potential all the passengers, Poirot is confused. They are not able to pin-point the suspect.
The story takes interesting turns towards the end, leading into a dramatic and over the top ending.

Me Thinks
It was an interesting novel. Agatha builds up the story really well. The plot is interesting but unbelievable.
Touted as one of the best by Agatha, it is indeed interesting. One cannot guess the murderer till the end.
But as I said the ending is unbelievable and there are far too many co-incidences.

I will go with 7 out of 10 for the novel. It deserves atleast one reading.

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