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Sunday, July 19, 2009

Play : Rangashankara : Hakki Harutide Nodidira

Hakki Harutide Nodidira is an andaptation to kannada by Prema Karanth. It was originally written by Vijay Tendulkar. The original play goes by the name Ashi Paakhare Yeti

Arun has just missed his bus to bangalore and is angry about it. When he is cursing the driver and his fate he notices a beautiful lady standing. He tries to talk to her, but she goes off. Arun is mesmerised by her beauty. He goes in search of her and reaches Mr. D.W. Murthi's house. The girl (Sarsu) is the daughter of Mr Murthi.

He tries his tricks and is successful in convincing Mr Murthi and his wife that he is the son of Jois from their old locality. They are happy to see him

In the meantime he gets to know that a biy is coming to see Sarsu (the girl). He goes inside the house to meet Sarsu. Sarsu (aka Saraswathi) calls his bluff and tests Arun and she proves that his is not the son of Mr. Jois. Arun accepts that he is not Mr. Jois son. She wants to know the reason for his arrival in their house. He tells her that he was attracted by her charm, to which she laughs aloud.
She does not believe him. He tries his magic and tries to tell her that she is indeed the most beautiful women he has every met.
Arun gets to know that a boy is coming to see her. But she does not want to see the boy. She does not like to go through the process. She hates it. Arun realises that it is best for her and tries to convince her. She agrees to see the boy.
Sarsu is unusually calm and smiling when the boy comes over to see her. The boy's side is ready to take her as the bride. But Sarsu is not ready. She flatly disapproves the relation. Her father get furious and she has to bear the brunt.
Arun is surprised as to why she does not want to marry the boy. To which she replies that she like him. Arun, on his part likes sarsu but he cannot think of marrying her.Sarsu says that she was happy when the boy came to see her because all the while she was imagining Arun in the boy's position and that he was the one in her mind.
What happens next is the rest of the play.

All this is being narrated by Arun to his friends in a Bar.

My Impression
I loved the play. I was totally engrossed in the play. The play had its moments of laughter, sadness. My heart went to Sarsu for her gullibility and her frankness. Great adaptation.
Direction of the play was amazing !!! The play is played in 2 sections. In one section of the stage the play is going on and in the other section, Arun is narrating the story to his friends. The play seemlessly moves between both the parts and holds on very well.
In some scenes the characters go in and out of both subscenes. This has been directly very well.

All in all a great play. I would give it 7 out of 10.
The whole crew acted really well. I was impressed by sarsu in particular because of the character and excellent portrayal by the actor.
Nice way to spend Sunday afternoon.

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