Welcome to Amitkeerti's World

I am a SW Engineer by Profession and a blogger by choice. I am a voracious reader and like to give my opinion about what i read. I try to convery my thoughts in a way that is meaningful and responsible. In my blog you would find me the way I am. I love to write about my take on the Society in general, Finance, day-to-day interesting events, me, inspirational thoughts. More about me as you read my blog.

Location: Bangalore, Karnataka, India

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Frequency Range for Musical Instruments

Below is a link to an image which shows the range of frequencies and the various instruments that play in those ranges


Sunday, May 09, 2010

Thought for the day

"Legislators will correctly perceive that either raising taxes or cutting expenditures will threaten their re-election. To avoid this fate, they can opt for high rates of inflation, which never require a recorded vote and cannot be attributed to a specific action that any elected official takes." - Warren Buffett

No wonder an 8% inflation is taken for granted and a M3 money supply of close to 20% does not raise any eye brows.


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