Welcome to Amitkeerti's World

I am a SW Engineer by Profession and a blogger by choice. I am a voracious reader and like to give my opinion about what i read. I try to convery my thoughts in a way that is meaningful and responsible. In my blog you would find me the way I am. I love to write about my take on the Society in general, Finance, day-to-day interesting events, me, inspirational thoughts. More about me as you read my blog.

Location: Bangalore, Karnataka, India

Thursday, December 25, 2008

TED : Most Expensive Items

We always wonder what it is to own or use the most expensive items that humanity has ever produced.

Benjamin Wallace a journalist and a writer does just that and entices us with a video about the most expensive items...
He likes some of them and finds the others worth less...

Benjamin reviews the Kapi Luwak (costliest coffee), Bugati Car, Most expensive bed (supposedly owned by Tom Cruise), Most expensive Jeans, most expensive beef (Kobe beef), most expensive Golf club, Most expensive Soap, Most expensive wine, 1947 cheval blanc (supposedly the best wine).


The video concludes on an interesting note.

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Monday, December 22, 2008

Chris Martenson : Radio Talk Show 19-Dec-2008

Radio talk show of Chris Martenson can be heard at:

The actual talk show starts around 9:30 minutes. There is some initial part where there was some connection problems.


Wednesday, December 17, 2008

A crash course on US economic crisis

Below is an excellent set of videos on how and why US reached to a stage where it is now..


Thursday, December 11, 2008

Home Theater System : Sony

I was going through different home theater systems from sony available in India.

Out of the lot the 3 which are worth buying are:
(1) DAV-Dz870W
(2) DAV-DZ777
(3) DAV-IS10

(1) DAV-Dz870W is a wireless Home Theater System. It has a total RMS output of 1000W
It costs Rs 40,000
link: http://www.sony.co.in/product/dav-dz870w

(2) DAV-DZ777 has almost all the features of DAV-Dz870W. The only major difference is that DAV-DZ777 is not wireless.
It has a total RMS output of 1000W
It costs Rs 30,000
link: http://www.sony.co.in/product/dav-dz777

(3) DAV-IS10does not have many features. Its claim to fame is its tiny speakers.
It has a total RMS output of 500W
It costs Rs 40,000
link: http://www.sony.co.in/product/dav-is10

My vote goes to DAV-DZ777.

Only limitation of DAV-DZ777 Compared to DAV-Dz870W, it is Not wireles.
Only limitation of DAV-DZ777 compared to DAV-IS10 is that the speakers are big.

But the price difference is 20%. So if we get an excellent product at 20% cheaper cost why not go for it ?

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Thursday, December 04, 2008

Movie : Catch22

I was watching this movie called catch22

This is a story about


I would rate it as one of those hillarous movies that every one should watch. There is some explicit content inbeteen for about couple of minutes..

This is one of those Golmaal (Amol Palekar's Golmal) and Angoor kind of movie. I could not stop laughing...

Rating : * * * * (4 stars)


Monday, December 01, 2008

Businessmen who lost their life in Mumbai blast

following are some of the high profile people who lost their life in the Mubbai blast.

(1) Ashok Kapur : Chairman Yes Bank

(2) Ajit Chabbria : hotelier

(3) Pankaj Shah : Real estate developer

(4) Kanubhai Patel : Owner of Bipico -a timer company

Details can be found at the following location:

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