Welcome to Amitkeerti's World

I am a SW Engineer by Profession and a blogger by choice. I am a voracious reader and like to give my opinion about what i read. I try to convery my thoughts in a way that is meaningful and responsible. In my blog you would find me the way I am. I love to write about my take on the Society in general, Finance, day-to-day interesting events, me, inspirational thoughts. More about me as you read my blog.

Location: Bangalore, Karnataka, India

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

From the land of white elephants: Thailand

After lot of anxious moments (much to the pain of my fellow chinese coleagues), my chinese visa finally arrived yesterday and as expected I was given a short notice of just about 2 hours to pack and rush.

Pulling myself from my office couch I rushed back home, packed my bags in a jifty and was just about to take a breather when the taxi guy gave a beep. So without even taking a bite into my evening supper I rushed out to the All new Bengaluru International Airport. With all the critisicm from the hop notch industrialist, I found the Airport quite attractive. Much better than the HAL airport ofcourse !!!

I somehow managed to pass my time and boarded the Thai Airways flight at 00:30 today morning. After an okey dokey meal and a small nap of about an hour I landed in the bangkok airport.

Suvarnabhoomi International Airport seems so soothing to the ears and considering that it is thiland it makes you even more proud of your heritage and the vast expance of the hadappa Mohenjodado dynasty :)

The airport is huge by any standards ad looks very attractive and beautifully maintained. I was impressed by the uniqueness of the airport. They have tried to imbibe the historic evens into the airport as well.
At one point I came across the Samudra manthana epic depicted in a huge carving/sculpture. Lort shiva standing on the huge mountain which inturn is being turned by tortise. The sea being churned using a snake. One one side is the Rakhsasa (deamons) and on the other side are the devatas (gods) and the ocean churns out the amrutha. At the helm of the manthana (Churning) stands Lord Shiva in purple (Neelakantha as we call me after this event). It was indeed a pleasurable site.

Iproceeded to the Business lounge eager to take a bite at the morning breakfast. After a sumptous breakfast and a picture full Orange Juice, I was strolling down the lunge and I saw this cyber cafe. What more good reason do you need to blog than this...

As I keep blogging A pleasent lady stands behind me explaing tha they have a complementary Neck and Shoulder Massage right next to this room. Isnt it time to get pampered. So here I go...

More about my trip as I go...


Thursday, July 17, 2008

Inflation: One point we seem to miss

We all see lot of news paper articles on Inflation. Rising fuel prices, rising food prices, rising costs of house, rental values, rising cost of toileteries and we wonder why doesnt the govt do something...

There are many factors for inflation:
(1) Speculation
(2) Demand supply gap which leads to higher costs, thereby rising inflation

Both these reasons inturn have many sub reasons.
Let me pick up the Second point: Demand Supply Gap
There can be 2 sub reasons for demand supply gap:
2.1 Artifically create less supply of materials by hoarding items.
2.2 There is a geniune demand supply gap.

Let Us take the Second scenario i.e. there is actully a demand supply gap.
Now this can inturn have many reasons:
2.2.1 Bad mansoon spoils crops so supply of edibles reduced.
2.2.2 Consumption has increased and supply has not grown accordingly.

Lets take the second scenario i.e. Consumption has increased
Now this inturn can be because of various reasons Population has increased Purchase power of people has increased. So they can afford more things.

So my point of concern is Purchase power of people has increased.
For some reason we always look at all other factors and neglect this most important point which is ONE BIG FACTOR for inflation.

We must be having close to 2 million Software Engineers and IT enabled Services people put together. Lets assume an average salary of 5 Lakhs as their income.
Now compare this salary with say your father's salary in late 80s and early 90s. It was around Rs 5000... That amounts to Rs 60,000 per year.

We have surpassed the average salary of 90s by leaps and bounds. For a bread earning person in 80s buying a car was when he was in his early 40s and would by a house in his 50s or nearing retirement. Even at that time the price of car was still Rs 1.5 to Rs 2 Lakhs and a house would have costed a minimum of 8-10 Lakhs.

Compared to prices of items in 80s and 90s, the daily items have not kept pace with the rising salary. So the ratio of expenditure/salary has gone down drastically. So people can buy more items now.

So people have more disposable income now compared to our parents.
You may wonder whats new that I am talking about...
I am definitely not saying anything new. The point I wish to make is the following:

Because we have purchasing power, we tend to buy more items which leads to more demand and we cannot grow more vegetables and fruits. Since demand is more, the price of items also goes up. This leads to rise in inflation as essential commodity prices increase.

Now this leads to frustration among the middle class and lower middle class. So you will see that even they start demanding more. The price of your trip in a rickshaw goes up. Atrip to mysore in bus costs more. Petrol prices go up. Carrots and Onion prices go up.

Now you start feeling the pinch. You feel that prices are going up and you feel that your salary is less to sustain the lifestyle. So you feel that you should earn more. This leads to more frustration.

So what started as a great salary for you does not look like a great salary now.
So you caused the inflation.

I know you have would have upped your ante, But isnt this a fact ?
So a rising salary did not really help right (unless your rise is way higher than your peers and leaves inflation far behind).

This cycle keeps repeating every once in a while. So 1 KG of onion which used to cost say 10 Paise in 1950 would cost you Rs 5 now.

In that sense I have a iny miny twiny bit of inclanation towards the idology of the communists (and nothing more).

Bottomline: : Inflation is rising because of rising salary. So if salaries are maintained at a particular level, expectation of people reduces.
2.2.2 : Since salary is less, consumption is reduced.
2.2 : Once consumption reduces Demand supply gap gets reduced.
2 : Once demand supply gap reduces prices fall and hence inflation reduces.

Till we have higher salaries for a section of society, it would fuel demand and hence inflation.

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Gossip: Reality TV school

If you are not fed up with reality TV shows, then here is some news...

Now you have reality TV show schools which give you training on how to enter into reality TV. You are given Training on talking and controlling emotions !!!

There is a website from one such company..



Life Insurance: Best Advise I have ever Read

I am damn sure you would have heard hundred stupid things about life insurance.

You should protect your family against your untimely death so that they dont face any hardship (it does not matter if you die. your family should be ok :)) just kidding but anyway thats the bottom line and I take it with a pinch of salt).

Endowment policy and Moneyback policy (always pushed by agents as they get heft commission) which one should you choose ?

Should you go for term insurance (which is rarely sold to naive people as commission is least)

Should you go for ULIP (as it provides exposure to equity !!!)

Now today I was going through rediff's following page:

As a response to one question by one mmk, Sridhar Vetapalem (as claimed on the page to be a financial planning expert) probably gave the most compact and complete answer I would have expected from a financial planner. His answer summarizes what I believe and strongly feel about life insurance.

Please read below and
I quote
mmk asked, Sir, I am confused while choosing "Term Insurance". Can you please suggest the factors we should consider while choosing "Term Insurance" & also good term insurance options available in market?

Vetapalem Sridhar answers, Insurance is to cover risk (in financial terms only). Hence if a person dies and there r people dependant on him/her (in financial terms) then they will be put into financial discomfort. Hence the role of insurance should be limited to the extent of this financial discomfort. It is not an easy task to put a figure to this financial discomort. It would include all existing liabilities and future living cost of dependants (minus current assets, future earning potential of any other earning member). Hence when current assets exceeds the liabilities and future living cost of dependants then the need for insurance no longer remains. Evaluation also needs to be done whether a non working member of the family can take up work and earn if the need arises in this estimation. Hence in majority of cases Term insurance works out the cheapest soln to the above issue.During the period (generally 10-20 yrs) that the term cover is in operation the focus should be on creating a good amount of assets, thereby ensuring that the need for insurance no longer remains. SBI [Get Quote] Shield, Reliance [Get Quote] TERM plan, ICICI [Get Quote] Pru Lifeguard WROP r some gud options available....

So the article says:
(1) The Role of life Insurance should be to the extent of discomfort that is caused because of your death. Every individual should assess what discomfort your loss with have to your family and take a cover only to that extent.

(2) when current assets exceeds the liabilities and future living cost of dependants then the need for insurance no longer remains
If your earnings is such that it meets your current requirements and any possible future requirements, for gods sake don't buy an insurance policy.

(3) in majority of cases Term insurance works out the cheapest soln to the above issue.During the period (generally 10-20 yrs) that the term cover is in operation the focus should be on creating a good amount of assets, thereby ensuring that the need for insurance no longer remains
I completely agree with this point. When we start of initially our take home is less and if one is married and has kids with all non working people in the house, the onus is on the working person to cusion the family against the untimely death of the bread earner. So it beholds upon this bread earner to have some brains to take a term plan which will cusion him and use his brains to invest in other instruments so that after the term plan expires, the family is in a position to take care of itself as you have sizeable assets to tide over your untimely death.

Alright let me summarize all points and suggest what I feel about life insurance
(1) If you have hell lot of money. Insurance is not for you baby
(2) If you are married and have kids and have very less assets and your untimely death will cause severe distress to your family then you need insurance.
(3) If you are married and have kids and have okey dokey money then probably you can still go for insurance to get that extra cushion.
(4) If you are not married. I sincerely suggest dont bother about insurance man... your death will cause only emotional distress and nothing more and an insurance plan will definitely not help your near and dear ones to tide over the emotional trouma.

My suggession:
(1) if you need insurance go for TERM INSURANCE based on what is actually needed. Carefully decide how much insurance is needed. Dont blindly buy.
(2) For the sake of the Almighty please DONT buy a ULIP !!!! It is a pathetic way of looking at insurance. Insurance should be treated as an insurance NOT an investment. If you want to invest, invest the way you should by either buying stocks, corporate bonds, RBI bonds, Mutual Funds, currency, gold, art, real estate funds, gold funds, property.
Why ULIP ?

Monday, July 14, 2008

Mary Higgins Clark : Daddy's Little Girl

Yesterday Night I finished my first Mary Higgins Clark's Novel: Daddy's Little Girl.

I was slightly disappointed with the Novel. Though it claims to be a Suspense novel, the novel actually lacked suspense, considering the fact that most of the story is revealed at the back of the cover and the rest of the novel explores this fact.

From the back over I quote
Ellie Cavanaugh was seven years old when her older sister was murdered near their home in New York;s Westchester County. It was young Ellie's tearful testimony that put Rob Westerfield, the nineteen-year-old scion of a prominent family, in jail despite the existence of two other viable suspects. Twenty-two years later, westerfield, who maintains his innocence, is paroled. Determined to thwart his attempts to pin the crime on another, Elle, an Investigative reporter for an Atlanta newspaper, returns home and starts writing a book that will conclusively prove Westerield's guilt. As she delves deeper into her research, however, she uncovers horrifying facts that shed new light on her sister's murder. With each discovery she comes closer to a confrontation with a desperate killer

My rating:
Suspense : * * ( 2 out of 5)
Unpredictability : * ( 1 out of 5)
Who-done-it factor : 0 ( 0 out of 5)
Story Telling : * * ( 2 out of 5)
Feminism : * * * * * ( 5 out of 5)
Overall : * * ( 2 out of 5)

PS: Not sure if I picked the wrong novel of Mary Higgins Clark to begin with. I Will read few more of her novels before I judge Mary Higgins Clark

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Investor Vs Trader: Phillip J Roth

I was reading the following article.
An interview conducted by ramesh damani with Phillip J Roth (Supposedly renowned Technical Analysist in US).

The interview can be found at:
http://www.moneycontrol.com/india/news/fii-view/ -investors-make-bottoms-traders-make-tops-/17/06/343610

Phillip makes a very apt distinction between an investor and a trader. Please Read from the article and
I quote
Q: Moving from short-term to intermediate term, what is intermediate term?
A: I have more indicators that work in the intermediate term horizon, there are not that many indicators that one can use for the short-term. When you have a very short-term horizon, you are basically going to be using only the internal dynamics of the market itself. When you get to the medium-term now, I can look at measures of psychology and supply demand and also do market analysis. The most important technical precept to me is that ‘investors make bottoms and traders make tops’.

Q: Investors make bottoms and traders make tops, explain that?
A: An investor is somebody that’s motivated by price and value. If you a have long-term view you are not interested in day-to-day wriggles and when stocks go down they get cheaper and the investor gets motivated.

Q: Is that bargain hunting?
A: You can call it bargain hunting. As stock declines, it’s multiple comes down and yield goes up. People with long-term horizons get motivated to buy in that environment. Traders have the opposite point of view; they don’t care about value, they care about trend. They get motivated to buy, when the trend is strong.
Therefore, if the trend has been moving up at some point in advance, investors who bought them low are going to start to take profits. The trend would continue up for a while and perhaps for a long while because the traders are dominating and very bullish. What’s a top? A top would be that print in an uptrend, when prices stop advancing because investment liquidation begins to offset the buying by traders.

For another question on when the emerging markets would rise, I felt he was right here too and I concur with his thoughts read below...
I quote
Q: Looked at it now the Sensex has risen from 3,000 to 21,000 to the peak, what’s your call?
A: We are in a normal cyclical bear in most of the world markets. I doubt if they are going to begin in new cyclical bull and so the US strains out; the US is a big factor in the markets. We have got financial concerns in the US more than in other areas. So, it seems to me that we have got to get through the problems in the banking and financial service industries in the US. Once that is behind us, the rest of the US market will be in a better position to move ahead and we can start to look at the global markets again. But, they need to be tested by the rest of the bear in the US.

Ramesh Damani is doing a series of interviews with the leading Technical Analysists in US. The list of interviews can be found at:


Thursday, July 10, 2008

BMW planning for electric mini

BMW seems to be firming up its plans to create an electric car.
They are planning to ready a test model in another 12-18 months and test it in Germany first.

Earlier Daimler and Volkswagen has also announced their plan to make electric cards. BMWs might have felt left out and hence announced its plans.

What ever might be the reason for the initiative, it is a welcome move and will go a long way in pushing other manufactures also to think on these line.

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Epitomy of Sensuality

I must have been barely 12 when I heard this song for the first.
I instantly fell in love with the song.

This song symbolizes the desire of two souls dying to meet. It ignites the burning desire inside both these love birds. For me the song is epitomy of sensuality.

The video may not capture the complete essence of the song. But Md Rafi got it bang on target.
Considering that Rafi saab is known for melodious songs. A sensual number from him is indeed hard to believe. But, the way he carries it, is simply amazing. And Asha Pareikh makes it look so beautiful.
I am sure you would have guessed the song...

watch it at:


BTW my 15th round of the song is done for the day.

Reason for Guru Dutt's Sucicide

Read an article on Guru Dutt on the real reason why he committed suicide.

Satya Saran (Editor of DNA newspaper's ME suppliment) met Abrar Alvi (who inturn was the last person to talk with Guru Dutt on the fatefull day. Abrar Alvi is also the director of Sahib Biwi aur Ghulam).
Now Sathya Saran has written a book called Ten Years With Guru Dutt -- Abrar Alvi's Journey.
This book depicts the wrecked relationship between Geeta Dutt and Guru Dutt. The book explains an incident when Geeta Dutt spied on Guru Dutt (suuposedly instigated by Geeta Dutt's friend Smriti Biswas).
Geeta Dutt supposedly believed that Guru Dutt and Waheeda Rehman had an affair. So she spied on Guru Dutt.

On slide 5 on this website goes through the last day of Guru Dutt.

BTW Guru Dutt's actual name was Gurudutt Padukone. He has South Canara origins and hails from Karnataka.

Kopi Luwak

The costliest coffee in the world costs $130 a pound.
Its called Kopi Luwak.

It is made from the shit of a marsupial Asian Palm Civet. This Civet eats the berries. But it cannot digest the bean inside the berry and throws it out. Local workers collect these beans and make coffee...

Why cant the workers just extract the bean from the berry themselves ?
well... probably it makes the coffee all the more exotic the way it is done now :)

you can read about kopi luwak from the following wiki page:

And about the Civet at the following wiki page:

And you thought whats in a shit :)

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Nostalgia: Old computer ads

What is the connection between Preity Zinta and Md. Ali Jinnah

Stumped right !!!

Well let me enlighten you with the facts :)
Preity Zinta's ahem ahem what should I say... close friend Ness Wadia is the Great Grand Son of Md. Ali Jinnah !!

Ness Wadia's father Nusli wadia was born to Dina Wadia (Dina Jinnah). And Dina was the only daughter of Md. Ali Jinnah.

So Ness's father nusli was the only Grandson of Md. Ali Jinna and in that sense Ness and his brother Jeh are the only great grand sons of Md. Ali Jinnah.

So Preity Zinta is.... :)

Monday, July 07, 2008

3 news Items on 08-Jul-2008

Three news items that caught my attention today are:

(1) ICICI bank introduces online savings account
Now you dont need a bank to have your savings account. ICICI bank introduces an online savings account which you maintain online. You will do all transactions from this account online. You can use this account to pay your bills online. It also plans to introduce virtual credit cards !!! (probably you will be given just the card number and pin and you use it for online purchases)

(2) Toyota Prius will have solar powered AC system from next year
Toyota's much talked about hybrid car prius will have one more addition next year. Its Air-conditioning system will run on Solar power. Toyota plans to put solar cells on the roof of the car (I am not sure how it would look though !).
I think its a good idea. We all know that solar power alone cannot run a car. But probably some components of the car can be made to run on solar power, the way Toyota has thought about.

(3) Indian Railways is testing 20% biodiesel (made from jathropa) fuel
I did some googling and found out that this is news is a very old news. Indian railways and IOC had signed an agreement way back in 2003 to start cultivating jathropa plants to extract biodiesel. you can go through the following article:

http://pib.nic.in/archieve/lreleng/ lyr2003/rfeb2003/12022003/r120220033.html

Probably the new gained some footage because of the rising fuel costs.

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The confession of a finance professional

I have read many articles on finance and one person who seems to have got many things right in Indian context is one Mr M. R. venkatesh. I find his articles very informative. His articles can be read on rediff.

Here is a very interesting article by M.R. Venkatesh aptly called The confession of a finance professional.

You can go through the article at the following website:
http://in.rediff.com/money/2008/ jul/07guest.htm
Article by: M R Venkatesh
(email id of Mr. Venkatesh: mrv1000@rediffmail.com)

I am copy pasting the article here...

Every morning in the southern part of the country, mostly in my home state of Tamil Nadu, hundreds of astrologers sit below a shade, usually a tree and predict the future of their 'clients'. Their tool is a caged parrot. The mechanism - the parrot when allowed to come out of the cage is trained to pick one booklet from many that the astrologer spreads out.

And based on the clues printed in that particular booklet the astrologer predicts the future of his clients. Mostly the questions are predictable - problems relating to cash flows, business, finance, health, children and of course marriage. Years of experience has taught the astrologer to give non-standard yet satisfactory replies to these standard questions even to the most intelligent clients. Interesting, isn't it? Or is it mastery of the human psyche?

Cut to the metros. Every morning across the country, we the finance professionals begin our work as meticulously as the parrot-astrologers mentioned above, but with a crucial difference. Instead of the parrots we use laptops, and instead of the unsophisticated printed booklets, we rely on Microsoft office.

Without Excel spreadsheets and Power Point we will instantly be rendered hors de combat. Ask us any question about anything we will answer you only through these tools - even if it means introducing ourselves, our company or our services. We will use jargons or acronyms even for silly things. We have our own grammar for our operations.

The idea is to bamboozle our clients and give them an impression of being in a hurry. If a client is a multi-product company we would advice them on de-merging and concentrate on core competencies. If it is a single product company we would ask them to diversify to de-risk themselves. Never mind, in both cases we are actually experimenting with our clients at their cost.

And should a client have a rupee term loan we would advice them on a foreign currency loan and exactly the reverse should they have a forex loan. For the former we would predict the depreciation of the dollar, for the latter, the appreciation of the dollar. Who said cheese for the goose is cheese for the gander?

If we find a non-finance professional on the other side of the table we reckon that they are lambs to the slaughter. When we encounter fellow finance professionals on the other side, things are no different. After all, he would be compassionate to our cause, understand our jargons and empathise with our constraints.

In effect, others' ignorance (or their negligence) is our strength. We sell from the mundane to the complex, in the process warranting far above what we can deliver, causing much more havoc than what the clients could have ever imagined and charging much more than want is apparent. Welcome to the world of finance professionals and consultants.

You dream, we make money

We understand the fundamental human psyche far better than any other professionals with the sole exception of the parrot astrologer. We know the proclivity of businessmen to make quick money and the power of greed. We love such people. In fact, we encourage them to dream big, bigger and better. After all when you dream it is money for us.

Most of you don't waver. But if some of you do, we have the ready quotes of Shiv Kheras and Robin Sharmas of the world to motivate you, chosen with outmost care to be quoted out of context. Added to these are the real life stories of Narayana Murthys and Aziz Premjis. And when all these weapons are used, most of you fall. Only the extremely lucky escape from the heady brew that we concoct.

So, to a small timer we will recommend public issue. From being a partner of a small firm or to a private limited company, we play on his psyche and encourage him to go for a public issue. If his capacity today is 1000 MT, we easily work his profitability for 100,000 MT, never mind the availability of raw materials or ability of the person to market or any other fundamentals. Naturally profits one-hundred times the present levels can excite even a saint. Why talk of lesser mortals?

Surely, Excel spread sheets has made life easy for us. But to make life far simpler we have ready made templates, of course, with the usual disclaimers to cover our backs should something go wrong. Yet we occasionally goof up by denominating steel in litres or some liquid chemicals in meters. Our clients are very understanding - they do not find fault with us. How can they when we have bamboozled them in the first instance?

Our fundamental mantra is to calculate the earnings before Depreciation, Interest and Tax. Then we extrapolate such calculations to the next few years adjusting the prices to what we think is 'reasonable', never mind that the commodity prices are gyrating by the hour. If we decide, a four per cent variation can be serious. In the alternative a 40 per cent can be immaterial.

But if you still understand what we do, we will talk in terms of IRR, cash flows, MAT, dividend tax, tax-shield, leverage etc so as to flummox anyone. Management of most corporates wastes millions of precious man hours to check and recheck all these as if it were Bible, Koran and Veda all rolled into one. When all these happen, no wonder, we chuckle in front of you and have a hearty laugh behind you!

The next step is to approach banks for financing or other non-conventional lenders viz. venture capitalists and Private Equity. Here it is very easy for us. Since we have our own people on the other side of the table speaking our language, jargons and lingo, it becomes so easy. As we try to sell the dream of our clients, the finance professional sells his 'products'. And it takes two to a tango. Isn't it?

For us short term is few hours. Long term is a few days. And when something goes wrong we blame everyone from Bush, Iraq, Oil, Pakistan, Taliban and for that matter everyone except ourselves. And when people succeed we ensure that media covers the same adequately. On such occasions naturally we act with extreme alacrity and appropriate the credit.

Our relationship with these lenders means that it only we who can get you the funds or the facility. And when things go bad, it is only we who can bail you out. It is only our restructure package that will be accepted by these lenders. In tennis parlance - it is game, set and match for us. In chess, it is check and mate.

Horse multiplied by an ass is equal to a pig
The earnings of 30 companies that determine the BSE index is approximately Rs 1000 crores. We multiply the same with a price earning (PE - the Holy Grail) multiple of say 12 or 15 or even 21 to arrive at the BSE index. Much as all this is voodoo economics, when it is a bull market we point to markets that have a higher multiple and justify such higher prices. When it is a bear market we point out to markets with lower PE multiples to justify the market prices of shares. Either way you will lose.

Worse still, we move from channel to channel and from columns to columns using charts and what not to justify either the rise or fall in stock markets. And for the past six months we have first suggested resistance to NSE at 5,800, then at 5,400, then at 4,800, subsequently at 4,400.

In the process we had encouraged every small investor to stay invested. When all these levels have been broken, we have now suggested 3,700 little realising that an umbrella is of no use when you face a tsunami. Yet we continue without any shame or remorse to pontificate. How can you shame the shameless?

And when people survive all these, we tutor them to repurchase their shares or better still de-list. And should they have surplus cash even for a movement we move in silently as the big cats move in for their kill and make the gullible invest in commodities, real estate or some other exotic markets.

Better still, we advice on mergers or amalgamating with some other companies or better still sell the stake to others. Yes, in all these transactions we are interested.

And on all these, whether you make profit or loss, we would ensure that we make money first-up. Naturally, we see money in every transaction, why every part of a transaction. We would encourage one set to sell and other set to buy, and broker the deal both ways. Of course we do profit both ways. Did I hear that dirty word called ethics? Remember, we see value in everything except in values themselves.

But what is surprising is that despite what we do blatantly remains beyond the comprehension of many. Consequently as a class we remain un-critiqued. No wonder as the cliche goes, what is obvious is usually the most oblivious. This allows us, like the astrologer in the streets of South India, to endlessly play on the psyche of men and their greed.

PS: We believe, we can sell anything to anybody and buy anything from anybody. If only the PM had hired us, we would have sold even the nuclear deal to the Leftists.

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Sunday, July 06, 2008

Two Interesting things I observed today

(1) Jim Rogers Interview on commodities on UTVi
Rahul Arrora from UTVi was interviwing Jim Rogers about commodities and the current commodities rally.
Without going into details here is the jist:
(a) Jim Rogers has sold most of his stocks and invested heavily in commodities
(b) Jim Rogers believes that anyone can start a new company in his/her garage. But you cannot start a new mining company or increase limited commodities.
(c) Rogers Commodity fund has given returns to the tune of 400% compared to stocks which have given returns to the tune of 40%.
(d) He is slightly positive on China and does not believe on India growth story. He feels there is only talk and no action as far as india is concerned.

Rahul arora kept on asking if the current oil prices are speculative or they reflect the true value and Jim Rogers kept on telling him that Oil futures are future contracts of the price of oil and how can commodity prices be speculative ? ( :))) )There can be some speculation but the price basically represents the demand for crude. Since there is limited supply of crude, the rally is justified.

He also felt that one should invest in index funds which invest in commodities rather than investing in commodities directly.

Interesting take indeed !!

(2) Sports page of Times of India Mysore Edition:
I was coming back from Mysore today in our desi volvo Airavat bus. For some reason I have developed an aversion for Bus. As soon as the bus starts moving, my gut starts acting very weird. I have decided I will NOT travel in bus in ANY form in future. Unless I have no other option.
In order divert my attention from the nausea, I bought today's edition of The Times of India. By habit I turned to the Sports page first. The Sports headline for the day was the intense match between Serena Williams and Venus in Wimbledon. Almost 1/2 page review on the way Venus beat Serena. The next article on the sports main page was the most awaited match between Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal which is to be played today. Another article discussed the possibility of Federer and Nadal playing as doubles partners !!
That more or less summarizes the Sports page. I turned to the second page and surprise surprise !!! I see an article on the India Pakistan Finals of Asia Cup to be played. The article had a small photograph of dhoni with the standard words woven to complete the article !!!
Can you imagine this !!! An India Pakistan cricket finals gets a measly 2nd page review and that's IT !!!! and Wimbledon covers up the whole of Sports page !!! I cant believe it !!! when was the last time this happened !!! let me guess... I think it was sometime in the late 80s or early 90s then Boris Becker and Stefan Edberg used play. When Jimmy Conners and Johm McEndroe where at the fag end and Jim Courier was emerging as a good player. When Pat Cash was desperately trying to make a comeback. When the whole of India Cheered for Martina Navratilova. When Steffi Graf was jumping leaps and Bounds. When some Monica Seles was touted as the potential competitor to Steffi Graf. When Gabriala Sabatini and Steffi Graf were always regulars in the quarters/semis. When Agatha Sanchez Vicario would spring up a surprise semi finals entry now and then and disappear...
Then came Sachin Tendulkar mania which pushed Tennis to the also rans... Cricket reached its peak in the late 90s and early 2000s. As early as this year T20 revolutionized the way cricket is played. Other forms of cricket seem to have taken a beating. No wonder an India-Pakistan 50 over match has become an also ran match.
But Wimbledon making a comeback on the main sports page is a welcome change !!!

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Thursday, July 03, 2008

isnt it time to start picking stocks

Indian stock market has crashed from the levels of 21000 to about 13000

The major reasons for crash cited are:
1. Rising crude Oil.
2. Inflation
3. Interest rates

Now rise in inflation is because of the rise in commodity prices and Commodity prices are rising because transportation and raw material costs are increasing.
Now Raw material costs are rising because the suppliers of raw material cite rising crude prices. And transportaion costs are anyway linked to the crude prices.

Interest rates are rising because RBI wants to contain Inflation. If RBI rises interest rates then the demand for credit will decrease. This decreases the demand for raw materials or finished products. This affects growth but helps to tame inflation.
So In terest rates are linked to Inflation and Inflation is Linked to crude oil.

So the Major Reason for all this stock market crash is:

Now Why is crude oil prices rising ?
There are two possible reasons:
(1) Demand - Supply Gap (i.e. demand is far exceeding supply)
(2) Weakning dollar
(3) Speculation.

Lets analyze this scenario....
Lets take the first case i.e. demand - supply gap
Now Last year at the same time the crude prices were at $73. So within 1 year the prices have doubled. If we go back by another 6 months to a year the cude was around $35-40. So with 2 years the prices have more than quadrapulled. The blame for this is put on the emerging markets like India and China where the demand for petrol is more.
Alright even if we take this arguement on the face value and say that the demand is fueled by emerging markets, it does not explain quadrapulling of the prices. Per capita consumption of petrol/diesel is still very very less in emerging markets compared to the developed countries. So I dont buy this arguement.

The second arguement is weakning dollar. Well its a known fact that the weakning dollar automatically rises the crude oil prices. The dollar has weakened because the central bank seems to be printing money. And to our dismay we seem to be buying dollars like cats and dogs thereby artificfally maintaining the dollar at high levels. This is leading to higher crude prices.
Yes this argument holds some base but does not fully capture the essence of rise in crude from $40 to $146 !!!

The third arguement that Crude oil is traded and is not regulated properly hold some strength. Without substantial increase in demand and not so substantial weekning of dollar, crude still trades at ta very high price. Isn't it because of speculation ???

Main reason for Stock Market is : Crude Oil Rise
Rise in Crude Oil price is because of : Speculation in crude prices.

As we know speculation is trading in thin air. Some day the speculators decide that they have had enough and start unwinding their positions, crude will definitely drop. Since there is enough supply of crude, the cascading effect would be on Interest Rates and Inflation which would automatically come down....

A fall in crude price will lead to Sanity to a greater degreee in the stock markets.
As an investor you are supposed to invest in stock markets when everybody is selling in panic. If the reason for panic is not justified then it is all the more pertinent to buy more stocks of fundamentally good companies.

I personally feel that the sentiment is very bad in the market due to rising crude prices which will come down some day. Now this logic is already being factored in by large investors (my personal feeling as whatever I have written above till now is not something which only I can think of !!!! There are enough people with better brains than me out there !!! :) ). So many cherry pickers would have started picking stocks.
Crude might go up again in few days. But I personally feel the impact will be lesser and lesser as the days pass by and one fine day the crude prices will drop. Buying stocks at that point will not make sense.

I feel its time to start looking at stocks of your choice.... I think one should invest in a staggered manner.
(BTW remember Rakesh Jhunjhunwala's will be reviewing his positions in the year 2011-12 :). So this second leg of bull market (when it starts...) should last till 2011-12.)

Happy Investing

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